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US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965-73 Melson Osprey Warrior 23

Artikelnummer: 194314

Kategorie: Warrior

19,95 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand

Knapper Lagerbestand

Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage

Charles D. Melson, Ramiro Bujeiro
Osprey Warrior 23
US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965-73
This volume provides an in-depth look at the experience of the ordinary US marine 'grunt' in Vietnam. Organisation of the corps, weaponry, equipment, uniforms, training and medical arrangements are all discussed. However, where this book differs from other similar works is not only in the detail that it goes into but also in the unifying theme of examining all these differing aspects of marine life from the point of view of a soldier serving in the conflict. The author, Charles Melson, actually served in Vietnam, and it is this personal experience that allows him to provide such a unique angle on the subject.
- 64 Seiten
- Paperback
- zahlreiche sw- und Farbabbildungen, sowie einige Farbtafeln

- Engl. Text
- Autoren: Charles D. Melson, Ramiro Bujeiro


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