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United States Naval Aviation Patches: Aircraft Carriers

Artikelnummer: 180126

Kategorie: Luftfahrt ab 1945

55,55 €

inkl. 7% USt. , gratis Versand

Alter Preis: 111,10 €
Knapper Lagerbestand

Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage

 The patch is a customized emblem designed specifically for a particular organization. An emblem is often displayed on patches, decals, plaques and other memorablia. Pride and cmradery in the crew is a direct result of the patch as a daily reminder that a specific unit is the best in the Navy.
In the past, patches were designed by and for the unit members. Although not approved by Navy Regulations until the 1950s, for Unofficial use only, Navy units have proudly displayed their patches since World War II.
Today, patches are both Official and Unofficial. The Official version has either been designed or approved by the Naval Board of Heraldry, with each element and color of the design having a specific meaning.

This is the first of three volumes covering Naval Aviation patches from World War II to the present - each volume will contain over 1000 patches in full color.
Volume one coverse the patches of individual varriers (CV, CVA, CVAN, CVE, CVHA, CVL, CVN, CVS, CVT, LHA, LHD, LPH), carrier air wing (CVW/CAG, FLTAIR, HS/HSL, VA, VAQ, VAW, VF, VS, VP, VR, VT) and support establishments (Centers, Commands, Depots, Divisions, Facilities, Fields, Forces, Groups, Medical, Schools, Stations, Teams, Units). The index allows for easy accessing of specific units, ships, etc.
Volume two covers aircraft, attack squadrons, and helicopter squadrons. Volume three covers fighter squadrons, strike-fighter squadrons, and reconnalssance squadrons.
Michael L. Roberts enlisted in the Navy in 1957, and retired in 1979 as a Chief Aviation Machinists Mate from Attack Squadron Three Zero Four. He lives in Long Beach, California.

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