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JET & PROPIMMIm DetailSteelmasterWingmasterGratis Versand ab Bestellwert von 49 €
Panzer Aces Nr. 15 (Euro-Modelismo)

Artikelnummer: 188205

Kategorie: Modellbauliteratur

11,00 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand

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Panzer Aces Nr. 15

1. Pz.Kpfw. II "Luchs"
A complete work: three modelers reveal three different ways of painting the same model. There is also a full report on the vehicle on display in the Musée des Blindés in Saumur, France.

2. M3 Medium Tank
This very well-known US tank is a piece of interest for all collectors. This one fought in Burma.

3. StuG. III Ausf B
A 1/48 scale model that can proudly stand alingside any larger 1/35 scale model. There are also some B/W wartime photographs and color profiles

5. M-60
An interesting work on the M-60 tank, all the interiors are scratch-built.

6. SS-Untersturmführer
A figure of an NCO from the Hitlerjugend division painted in oils. The article also features some photographs of the actual leather uniform.

7. Poteau. December 1944
A vignette featuring a Jeep in the Ardennes region. A complete study of the step-by-step assembly and painting of the Jeep including, in great detail, how to paint a loose camouflaged shirt.

8. Modeling Lessons: Making Zimmerit on a sheet of paper. A completely different and novel way of depicting Zimmerit.

A4, 64 Seiten, durchgehend farbige Abbildungen auf Kunstdruckpapier, Englischer Text

Artikelgewicht: 0,30 kg

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