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Osprey Publishing

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Artikel 11 - 20 von 187

Wabash 1791 - St Clair's defeat (CAM Nr. 240)

23,00 € *
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Guam 1941 & 1944: Loss and reconquest (CAM Nr. 139)

23,00 € *
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Khe Sanh 1967-68 (CAM Nr. 150)

23,00 € *
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Monogahela 1754-55 (CAM Nr. 140)

23,00 € *
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Pharsalus 48 BC (CAM Nr. 174)

23,00 € *
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The Third Crusade 1191 (CAM Nr. 161)

23,00 € *
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Trafalgar 1805 - Nelson's Crowning Victory (CAM Nr. 157)

23,00 € *
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23,00 € *
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Inch'on 1950 (CAM Nr. 162)

23,00 € *
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Okinawa 1945 -The Last Battle Campaign Osprey (CAM Nr. 96)

22,95 € *
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