Fairchild C-82 Packet and C-119 Boxcar (Aerofax)
192 S., ca. 500 s/w- und Farbfotos, Risszeichnungen, 6 Anhänge, techn. Daten - Hochinteressante und sehr gut illustrierte Dokumentation über zwei der wichtigsten Transportmaschinen des II. Weltkrieges - Die einzelnen Kapitel: The C-82 Packet, C-82 Operations. Procurement, Production and Political Problems. C-119 Description. C-119 Flight Testing. Air Resuply Drop Procedures. Boxcars in Korea.. The French in Indochina. European Operations. Zone of Interior C-119 Operations. Miscellnoous USAF Packet &Boxcar Operations. Military Air Transport Service.sDrag Net and Later Projects. USAF Reserve C-119s. Air National Guard Flying Boxcars. Gunships. United States Marine Corps and Navy Boxcars. Royal Canadian Air Force. Indian Air ForceBoxcars. Republic of Vietnm Air Force. Other Military Packets and Flying Boxcars. Civilian Packets and Boxcars. C-82 & C-119 Flying Boxcar Summary Unit Histories & Markings. Appendix 1: Production and Mishap Data. Appendix 2: C-82 & C-119 Block Mumbers. Appendix 3: C-82 Packet Units. Appendix 4: Uidted Sttes C-119 Units. Appendix 5: C-82s &C-119s in Foreign Service. Appendix 6: Civil Registred and Museum C-82s & C-119s in the United States.
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